Failure response

Here are the details of HTTP Failure Response within Fonoa API. Request errors are returned with HTTP status codes starting with 4xx and servers are starting with 5xx. Below is a partial list of responses.

HTTP ResultResultDescription
400 - Bad RequestFailureThe request was invalid due to invalid model validation. Developers are advised to check the response body message field for validation error messages.
401 - UnauthorizedDeniedThe request was not processed because the authorization credentials were not valid or acceptable for this resource.
402FailurePayment details must be set before this action can be taken.
403DeniedThe request was not processed because the authorization credentials do not allow access to the requested resource.
404 - Not FoundNot FoundThe resource you attempted to access is invalid.
405DisabledThe request method is known by the server but has been disabled and cannot be used.
406Not AcceptableThe input is not acceptable for this resource or for the field it was supplied with.
408TimeoutThe request timed out internally. Re-attempt the request.
409ConflictThe request was rejected because of conflicting data or because it exceeded an internal limit.
414InvalidThe request URI or headers exceeded the maximum length supported by the server.
420 / 429DeniedThe request may be valid but too many requests are being made. Slow down.
423Temporarily DeniedThe requested resource is locked temporarily. You should check the status of pending jobs.
500 - Internal Server ErrorErrorThe request has failed internally and may be partially completed. These should be generated very infrequently.
500 / 502 / 503 / 504ErrorThere is an internal outage in our stack.