
Below you can find a list of key terms and definitions related to the Fonoa API.

Client Fonoa customer using the software and/or API.
SupplierThe selling party in a transaction.
CustomerThe buying party in a transaction.
Entity OnboardingProcess of registering new entities by providing required business details.
Invoice A document (PDF or HTML) generated in a compliant format with details provided to Fonoa API.
ScopePermission grant to various endpoints of Fonoa API.
Dashboard A web page where Clients have registered. Not to be confused with EntityOnboarding. Client registration generates client credentials needed to obtain a Token to authenticate with the Fonoa API. Other features of the Dashboard are setting scopes, monitoring usage, registering webhook endpoints, error log, etc.
Token OAuth2 access token (bearer token) issued by Microsoft Identity platform using client credentials flow. Client ID and Client Secret values are obtained from the Dashboard upon Client registration. The token is used for authentication with the Fonoa API.

NOTE: Tokens issued after registering a Client on the Dashboard are only valid for the Fonoa API test environment and will not work in the Fonoa API production environment until the Client is promoted to the production environment.
Long-running operation Any operation that is not instant. Operations that rely on 3rd party APIs like reporting an invoice to a tax authority API might take unknown time to complete, fail, or recover.

NOTE: If webhooks are not implemented on the Client, there is an option to use polling as a fallback but keep in mind that throttling might kick in and start rejecting the requests if the polling is too aggressive.
SDK (Software Development Kit)Software library or a package for easy integration with the Fonoa API using different programming languages.